
Here you can see details of users within your company. Associated Extension shows the extension at which the client user can be reached. Role indicates access that particular users have to Occupie Connect. For more information on different levels of access, see User Roles.

Inviting Users

If you are an Admin, you can invite users to join Occupie Connect. See here for more information.

Associated Extension

If you associate a user with a telephone extension then the following will happen:

  • Their name will populate against the phone number in Telephone Manager.
  • Their email address will be populated within voicemail to email.
  • Their email address will be added to the telephone console.
  • They will be able to use the Occupie Connect smartphone app.


You can change user's Roles by clicking the links under the role column and selecting the appropriate Role for the user. See here for more information on user roles.

Editing users

Selecting a user and clicking Edit takes you to the edit screen where you can make changes to names and email address. You can enter a telephone number, job title and title for the user. Use this page to associate a Home Site with the user as well as an Associated Extension. This is necessary for the user to use the Occupie Connect app. If you have purchased Wi-Fi you can provision access to this user by toggling the Wi-Fi button to On.